Blogging again already, again! Maybe I caught a virus.
I'd like to ramble a bit on the subject of Paintiosity, and shout out to an old friend. The two knit together nicely.
Paint, the actual goo, is usually manipulated by artists to portray things. Representational painters sublimate paint to represent objects and subjects. Non-objective painters use it to portray ...whatevahs, but they still enslave paint to their own whatevahs purpose. I've got no complaint against that, except the whatevahs part. Thus, Ultramarine Blue becomes deep water, or "deep" whatevahs.
The actual goo has its own power and presence, too often beaten intio submission by mere portrayal. Cad Red Light, my favorite red (and the only orange worth a crap, except for Indian Yellow), is pure passion, hot fire, teenage love. Visually, a triple-shot espresso. Set it next to a good green, it's total eye candy-and we respond! A shame to lose that in the painting of another apple, another "Meditative Musing I" (Whatevahs.)
Paintiosity is the primordial power of paint-as-paint. It should be hunted every time out. Every excellent painting is a successful balancing of Paintiosity and portrayal, and if one must suffer- well, you know my bias.
Now, to Tim. As a result of my recent blogging and Facebook activity, my very oldest friend posted me. Tim Osborn is the first artist I ever envied-in Fourth Grade he could draw those old Hot Rod cartoons like you never saw. As we grew up, he had a deft touch that I lacked. In the post he expressed some admiration for my iPad drawings. (He always had good taste.) Regarding his own work, he felt he wanted to "get a little looser", a desire shared almost universally by competent painters. I will privately let him know The Secret; the rest of you should consider taking my ABSTRACTING PAINT class. A hint: it's the turning of a key.
Enough. I have been blah blah blah for three hours now, and gotta eat. Thanks for your time,and until next time...
PS-the image above is a mostly failed self-portrait, looking into a mirror. The likeness sucks, though I like the paint. I am agitated and intrigued, and in my comfort zone. Xoxoxo. Hubbard